Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Forget the Ten Commandments check this out.

Too bad this wasn't up before roadside religion came out.


Ms. Kiernan said...

"Every park in the country that has accepted a VFW memorial is now a public forum for the erection of permanent fixed monuments; they must either remove the war memorials or brace themselves for an influx of clutter..."

That's insane. I love the usage of the word "clutter" here, just for its ignorant subjectivity. One man's trash is another man's treasure-- all those roadside memorials are meaningless to most, but absolutely necessary to somebody.

At the same time, however, I could see a public park having a little trouble with space if it contained "a cross, a nativity scene, a statue of Zeus, or a Confederate flag." That's getting a little ridiculous. But, not as ridiculous as the anti-homosexuality monument that Pastor Phelps wants to erect in Wyoming.

Then again, I guess I said it myself-- one man's trash is another man's treasure. Blech.

Haha, can you tell I'm procrastinating from other homework? Good find, Pat. :)

Jess said...

I agree with Pat. Would have been interesting to see what we consider tolerable. Wonder what will happen with that case...